Turkey joins Designview


εμπορικά σήματα σχέδια WIPO ΓΕΕΑ DesignView

As of 16 March 2015, the Turkish TPI has made its design data available to the DesignView search tool.

Turkey joins Designview

The integration of the TTPI is a concrete result of the Cooperation Fund Programme managed by OHIM, in collaboration with its European partners.

This last extension brings the total number of offices participating in DesignView to 27. Besides Turkey these are: Hungary, Austria, Bulgaria, Benelux, Czech Republic, Estonia, Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Ireland, Lithuania, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, Cyprus, Denmark and the OHIM. The total number of countries on-board also includes incorporations of non-EU offices: South Korea, Mexico, Morocco, Norway and Russia.

Since the introduction of DesignView in November 2012, the tool has served more than 834.000 searches from 135 different countries, with users from Germany, Spain, the UK and France among the most frequent visitors.